The Twitter Tool-Box collection

The Twitter Tool-Box – The Twitter plug in guide.

Twitter is and interesting Micro Blogging tool but to be really effective you need to exploit one of the hundreds of add-on tools that are out there. I have posted just a few of my favourites. On this forum posts are tweeted to the tweetosphere to get you further coverage.

  1. TwitterFox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends’ status on Twitter and lets you make posts from your browser status bar.
  2. Twitbin is a Firefox extension that allows you to send and receive tweets from the web
  3. TwittAd allows Twitter users to monetize their account by accepting advertising on the background image of their Twitter user profile.
  4. TweetBeepKeep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company, anything this tool notifies you by email when you get a mention.
  5. TwitterBar a Firefox extension that enables you to post from the address bar – my favorite and very easy
  6. Twitterfeed is a site where you can submit a feed via RSS and have it posted to Twitter – and essential tool if you are serious about marketing (Bizface Tweets your posts via this)
  7. GroupTweet set up a group to share tweets – nice little site
  8. TwitPic, is a photo sharing tool for Twitter.
  9. Twufferschedule a twitter post for any time of day or night – the twitter answer to the Blackberry you can convince you friends you are always working (maybe)
  10. iTweet is yet another interface for Twitter with built-in auto-refresh, search and hash tags and users can view and post user bio, location and URLs inline with their tweets.
  11. MrTweet is like LinkedIn, it looks through your extended network and makes suggestions to help you build effective relationships on Twitter.
  12. Twitter Search is Twitter’s own built-in and oft-overlooked search tool. You can use it to search for other Twitter users, keywords very useful as it helps you put get words in your Tweet that can get noticed.

Don’t like the standard Twitter Badge:
Then go to Widgetbox nice site to get yourself a Twitter widget and a whole host of nice gadgets – this is a fantastic site take a visit.

Any more Twitter tools you find post them here
