Creating separate databases and logins phpmyadmin on WAMP server

Editing and hacking your website in the live environment can be risky – a useful approach is to install WAMP server locally on your laptop, load up you website software, then carry out your hacks in a safe environment. Now we have set up correctlyas shown in the last tutorial creating separate logins for each application is very straightforward. Let’s assume I am going to create a local WordPress  instance on my laptop.

The next steps creates the logins:

  • Login to phpmyadmin user the root user and password
  • From the home administration screen go to the tab ‘Privileges’:

  • Select ‘Add a new User’ about a quarter of the way down on the left.

add user phpMyAdmin

  • The rest of the Add User dialogue opens up as shown.
  • Enter wordpress for the user name
  • Select local from the host drop down and localhost will appear in the field to the right.
  • Enter wordpress for the password (repeat wordpress in the retype box)
  • Select  the checkbox ‘Create database with same name and grant all privileges’
  • Check All for global privileges if you wish

create a data base same name user

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and hit GO as shown on the screen shot.

select go to create the datebase

That’s it

The direct execution panel for SQL will show the query being run and the creation of the new databases along with the credentials we entered above.

Log out of root and you will go back to the initial login screen. To check all is OK just re login with the username ‘wordpress’ and password ‘wordpress’ to check all is in order.


  • Download the latest distribution of WordPress from (currently 3.1)
  • Unzip the package and copy the wordpress folder to the httpdocs folder usually c:\wamp\www\httpdocs\
  • When you have loaded wordpress to the httpdocs directory on the laptop  open up localhost from the wampserver services tab navigate to the wordpress directory and the famous wordpress install routine will start up. Just fill in the db user and password as ‘wordpress’ and enter the default user details and the install completes in about two seconds.

When that is complete just create an alias to wordpress or bookmark the local site to complete the process.

Repeat the above for each local application you wish to install.

So give it a try
