A quality plan template for you to download – generic with main headers and even suggested text [pdf template]

Here is a generic Quality plan that may be useful as a starter for you own efforts in your company or organization. Below is an extract from the first page of this 35 page document. A PDF of the full document is available to download – a link back to this post or even a thank you would be appreciated.

1. Purpose
The requirement for the quality plan are driven by the need to achieve customer satisfaction by meeting or exceeding customer requirements by the application of a quality system and includes the continuous improvement and the prevention of non-conformity in delivered services of RoyMoggManagement.
1.1. Scope
The scope is defined as the Consulting and Research business activities of RoyMogg Management Limited.
1.2. References
References used are:
[ref 1] ISO9001:2000 Quality Management Systems Requirements
[ref 2] ISO9004:2000 Guidelines for Performance Improvement
[ref 3] ISO9000:2000 Fundamentals and Vocabulary
[ref 4] ISO9000:2000 Quality Management Systems Concepts and Vocabulary
The concept of the standard is demonstrated by:
• Defining the management requirement
• Determining and applying the necessary resource management
• Establishing and implementing processes for service realisation
• Measuring and analysing results and implementing improvements as a result of feedback.
• Review activities relating to initiating improvements and authorising changes.
The role of customers is to provide demand which is converted into service output via RoyMogg’s internal process activities. These outputs are evaluated by customers in terms of customer satisfaction and compliance to the demanded services. Information gained from the monitoring of outputs is used to improve process performance.
1.3. Quality Assurance Policy
RoyMogg’s Management’s quality assurance policy is based on principles and values provided for in the company mission, strategy and goals. The Quality Management System (QMS) creation is a major strategic direction of our business activities and is regarded as a tool enabling the creation and management of effective business processes.

Download template here:
SIZE: 3.30 MB

Article source: http://www.roymogg.com/quality-plan-template-generic-with-main-headers-and-suggested-text/